Our Training Approach
Hourly Training Available on Weekdays, Evenings and Weekends
Many people wanting to learn to drive commercial vehicles, such as Over The Road tractor trailers, often find it difficult to find the time to sit through a course everyday that can last between 4 to 8 hours for 3 to 5 weeks. Therefore, to make your CDL training as flexible and cost efficient as possible, we have developed an hourly training program. With our training program, you pay only for the training that you need.
At the end of each training session, you simply pay the hourly fee for your training. Each training session is normally scheduled for 4 hours. The average training time needed to become proficient for On The Road, Backing Up and PreTrip Inspection skills is 32 hours. Students with previous experience often require less time to train. In addition, students preparing for employment with companies that offer On The Job Training for employees with valid CDL’s often take less time to train. In addition, at the end of each training session, the student is given a written evaluation of their progress and assignments for personal practice. All of which can reduce the amount of paid training hours you would require.
One Instructor per Student and 100% of Your Training Time is Spent in the Truck
Our classroom is the truck. Other than the initial vehicle Pre Trip, Controls and Gauges orientation by your instructor, 100% of your time is behind the wheel. Unlike other training programs, you and your trainer are the only ones in the truck during training. This technique is the primary reason for the reduced time needed for training and the high level of skill achieved by our students. Your training continues only to the skill level you require, not that of a group of students.
At the end of each training session, the student is given a written evaluation of their progress, by their instructor. Assignments for personal practice are also provided, which can reduce the amount of paid training hours.
You Will Train With Modern, Fleet Specified Vehicles
The training vehicles that we use are well maintained, up to date and clean. This feature of our program ensures that the student will be familiar with current industry technology, an important point for many prospective employers. We generally have available many makes and models of vehicles for students to study during their Pre Trip practice.
NOTE: The number of vehicles available is subject to seasonal activity.
Missed Training Appointments
As noted, our training is based on one student and one instructor. Therefore, a notice of 24 hours must be given to your instructor, if you will be unable to attend your scheduled training session. In the event of inclement weather on the day of your training, contact your instructor to determine if your training has been cancelled. Failure to do either will result in your being charged an additional fee.
Completion of Your Training
Here’s what takes place after successful completion of your training:
ROAD TEST: At the conclusion of your training, we will arrange for your Wisconsin PreTrip and Road Test exams by a licensed Wisconsin Examiner, in your training vehicle, for the specified fees noted in the Training Fee Schedule. Alternatively, you may provide your own examiner and test vehicle(s), if you wish.
RECORDS: We will maintain a copy of your information request, instruction permit and final evaluation forms at our offices for seven years, following your completion of training. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation issues and maintains their copy of your test results, according to their record retention schedule.
Complaints, Disagreements or Other Training Issues
In the event that, during the course of, or following your training with us, you are dissatisfied for any reason, please feel free to contact any of the individuals listed below to resolve problems with your instruction or fees.
The Management Staff:
Training Administrator: Kim Staton 414-218-0093
Training Director & On The Road Instructor: Anthony Staton 414-463-2955